標題: 傳敘軍搗毀叛軍一基地 俘虜12名英法土軍官 [打印本頁]

當地時間3月18日上午在拉塔基亞省Jabal土庫曼地區,敘軍情部門摧毀一處叛軍的通信中心。該中心負責對附近地區的敘軍情部門的通信進行電子幹擾和監聽。包括6名叛逃軍官(包括一名準將),7個土耳其軍官(包括知名的Ahmad Oglu),4個法國軍官和一個英國軍官(化名White)被逮捕。同時還打死了37武裝分子,摧毀一輛裝甲運兵車。


3月14日恐怖組織“勝利陣線”大馬士革農村地區總指揮Adnan al-Haj Ali(Abo Muhammad al-Jolany)被打死。此人是在政府軍戰機轟炸杜馬鎮叛軍據點時被炸身亡,一起被炸死的還包括基地組織的一名高級頭目Omar Mustafa al-Badawy。


Media sources say that the general rebel chief of al-Nusra Front in al-Sham countries, which is linked to al-Qaeda organization in Syria Adnan al-Haj Ali; called by Abo Muhammad al-Jolany, has been killed in Syria before days.  

Asia New Agency quotes of Syrian opposition security source; linked to the brigade of “Ahfad Bani Omayya” in Damascus countryside that Syrian Army has killed al-Jolany before days.

The source assures that al-Jolany “he has more than one name, but his real name os Adnan al-Haj Ali from al-Quneitra, while his military alias is carries by more than one rebel chiefs from the organization for security purposes to confuse the security efforts of discovering the identity of the real leader of the organization”.  

Information reports that “Haj Ali has been in Duma area, when Meg air-craft has raided on the location of the rebel leader od al-Nusra organization and killed him with Syrian assistance; called by Omar Mustafa al-Badawy.

Finally, the source states that “al-Badawi is one of the senior security officials in al-Qaeda organization, who leads thousands of the recruited informants in Syria”.



3月15日敘利亞外交部向黎巴嫩表示,大量恐怖分子從黎巴嫩境內經過敘利亞邊境城鎮Tel Kalakh滲透到敘利亞。如果黎巴嫩不采取措施控制自己的邊境地區,敘利亞將對藏匿在黎巴嫩境內的武裝分子進行打擊。敘利亞表示,盡管敘利亞軍隊到目前為止保持著最大克制,但是這種忍耐並非沒有底線。
