發表於 2010-12-14 09:48:50
1、Give me control of a nation's money supply,and I care not who makes its law ------- Mayer Rothschild(Private Banker)
只要給我一個國家的貨幣發行權,我不在乎誰制定法律。 —— 梅耶·羅思柴爾德(私人銀行家)
2、We are no longer a government by free opinion,no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority,but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominent men. ------- Woodrow Wilson 1919
政府不再擁有自由意見,不再擁有司法權,亦不再是由大多數人選舉出來的,而是在少數擁有支配權和強迫下運作的政府。—— 伍德羅·威爾遜
3、The government does not have to answer American people's questions,even though it is guaranteed in the First Amendment. ------- Federal Judge Emmet Sulliven ruled,August 31,2005
政府不必回答美國人民的問題,即使憲法第一修正案賦予了他們這項權利。—— 聯邦法院法官埃米特·薩利文裁決,2005年8月31日。
4、After interest payments and government waste,not one penny collected from the tax on your labor pays for the services you expect from the government.
5、In substance,the court holds that the Sixteenth Amendment did not empower the Federal Government to levy a new tax. ------- New York Times,January 25,1916
實質上,(最高法院)的觀點是,憲法第十六修正案並沒有授予聯邦政府徵收新稅的權利。—— 紐約時報,1916年1月25日。
6、Incomes means a corporate profit not wages or labor.
7、Chief among such contracts is that of personal employment by which labor and services are exchanged for money or other forms of property. ------- Coppage v. Kansas,236 U.S.1,14(1914)
這種合同的最重要部分是,通過提供勞動和服務獲取金錢和其他形式財產的個人雇傭行爲是交換。—— 科佩琦訴堪薩斯,236 U.S.1,14(1914年)
8、The pages of history shine on instances of the jury's exercise of its prerogative to disregard instructions of the judge. ------- U.S.v.Dougherty(1972)
歷史的篇章將會照耀那些陪審團在行使其投票權時,無視法官的案例。—— 美國政府訴多爾蒂(1972年)
9、The government should create,issue and circulate all the currency.Creating and issuing money is the supreme prerogative of government and its greatest creative opportunity.
Adopting these principles will save the taxpayers immense sum of interest and money will cease to be the master and become the servant of humanity. ------- Abraham Lincoln
採納這些原則,將會為納稅人節省大量的利息。貨幣將不再是主人,而是人民的僕人。—— 林肯
10、If the American people ever allow the banks to control the issuance of their currency...the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property,until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. ------- Tomas Jefferson
如果美國人民允許(私人)銀行控制他們的貨幣發行......銀行和企業將會不斷壯大,奪取人們所有的財產,直到孩子們在他們父輩征服的這片土地上無家可歸。—— 托馬斯·傑斐遜
11、In the absence of the gold standard,there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation.There is no safe store of value.
Gold stands as a protector of property rights. ------- Alan Greenspan"Gold and Ecnomic Freedom",before Fedreal Reserve services.
金本位是財富權利的保護者。—— 格林斯潘“黃金與經濟自由”(在進入美聯儲之前的言論)
12、Wake up,you idiots! Whatever made you thing paper was so valuabe? ------- Kurt Vonnegut Galapagos
醒來吧,白喫!是什麽讓你相信紙幣有如此高的價值?—— 科特·馮内古特(美國小説家)
13、Paper is poverty...it is only the ghost of money,and not money itself. ------- Tomas Jefferson
紙幣是貧乏的...它只是金錢的鬼魂,而非金錢本身。—— 托馬斯·傑斐遜
14、I sincerely believe the banking institutions having the issuing power of money,are more dangerous to liberty than standing armies. ------- Tomas Jefferson
餘深信當銀行機構擁有了貨幣發行權,其對自由的威脅更勝軍隊。—— 托馬斯·傑斐遜
15、Who controls money controls the world ------- Henry Kissinger
誰控制了金錢(貨幣),誰就控制了世界。—— 亨利·基辛格
16、The government can jail you for life without charges,without a trail,and without a lawyer.
17、The constitution is just a goddamn piece of paper. ------- George W.Bush Nov.2005
憲法只是一張該死的紙。—— 喬治 W.布什,2005年11月
18、Those who vote decide nothing.Those who count the votes decide everyting. ------- Josef Stalin,Russian Dictator
投票的人什麽也不能決定。能決定一切的是計票的人。—— 約瑟夫·史達林,蘇聯獨裁者
19、The new world order will be built...an end run on national sovereignty,eroding it piece by piece will accomplish much more than old fationed frontal assult. ------- Concil on Foreign Relations Journal,1974
一個新的社會將被建立......一個國家主權的終結,一點點地侵蝕比過時的正面攻擊更能達到目標。—— 外交協會雜誌,1974年
20、We shall have World Government,whether or not we like it.The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent. ------- Paul Warburg,Concil on Foreign Relations and architect of the Ferdral Reserve System,2/17/1950
我們將建立一個世界政府,無論人們是否喜歡它。唯一的問題是,這個世界政府是經由武力征服還是和平共識產生。—— 保羅·沃伯格,外交協會成員,美聯儲設計者,1950年2月17日。
21、The bankers own the earth.take it away from them,but leave them the power to create money,and with the flick of th pen they will create enough money to buy it back again.
However,take away from them the power to create money and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear,for this would be a happier and better world to live in.But if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery,let them continue to create money. ------- Sir Josiah Stamp,Former Director of The Bank of England
可是,奪回創造貨幣的權力,巨大的財富源泉將會消失,他們也將消失。如此,這個世界就將更加快樂和美好。但若你想繼續被奴役並為之支付費用,就讓他們繼續創造貨幣吧。—— 喬賽亞·史丹爵士,前英格蘭銀行總裁
22、Goverment is the servant.We are the master.
政府是傭人。我們才是主人。 |